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Wilton High School

Wilton High School

The Forum

Wilton High School

The Forum

The World Shines Again In “Doctor Sleep”

The World Shines Again In “Doctor Sleep”

Sebastian Hunt, The Forum’s Head Writer of Film & TV November 10, 2019

★★★ Despite sharing a title and basic storyline, Stephen King’s and Stanley Kubrick’s iterations of The Shining could not be more dissimilar. King’s novel envisioned a harrowingly claustrophobic...

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“Terminator: Dark Fate”: Why Isn’t This Franchise Terminated?

“Terminator: Dark Fate”: Why Isn’t This Franchise Terminated?

Sebastian Hunt, The Forum’s Head Writer of Film & TV November 2, 2019

★★½ Since the box-office smashes of The Force Awakens and Jurassic World, Hollywood has been scrambling to reboot its major franchises in a similar spirit. From Blade Runner to Mad Max, no brand...

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You Won’t Be Laughing At "Joker"

You Won’t Be Laughing At “Joker”

Sebastian Hunt, The Forum’s Head Writer of Film & TV October 5, 2019

★★★★ Todd Phillips’ Joker, an ultra-dark origin story for Batman’s most famous foe, was a film bound to happen. In this age of superhero oversaturation, a film centered around villains -...

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“Abominable” Isn’t An Abomination, But It Isn’t Very Good, Either

“Abominable” Isn’t An Abomination, But It Isn’t Very Good, Either

Sebastian Hunt, The Forum’s Head Writer Of Film & TV September 28, 2019

★★ If we are to believe that the Yeti, a mountain-climbing furry monster, truly exists in the contemporary world, then perhaps we must concede that his presence induces a sort of amnesia. It would...

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"Ad Astra" Doesn’t Quite Stick The Landing

“Ad Astra” Doesn’t Quite Stick The Landing

Sebastian Hunt, The Forum’s Head Writer Of Film & TV September 20, 2019

★★★ Ad Astra - a part science fiction, part personal drama starring Brad Pitt - is a good film. On a filmmaking level, there’s no denying that. It’s anchored by a legitimately compelling central...

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"It: Chapter Two" Spends Too Much Time Clowning Around

“It: Chapter Two” Spends Too Much Time Clowning Around

Sebastian Hunt, The Forum’s Head Writer Of Film & TV September 7, 2019

★★½ Whenever a book is dubbed as “unfilmable”, I’ll usually scoff. I am a believer that any piece of fiction can be adapted into a great film. For proof, look to The Wizard of Oz, The Lord...

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I Don’t Choose "Detective Pikachu", And Neither Should You

I Don’t Choose “Detective Pikachu”, And Neither Should You

Sebastian Hunt, The Forum’s Head Writer Of Film & TV May 12, 2019

★★ It’s hard to comprehend why I, of all people, am disappointed with Pokémon Detective Pikachu. I mean, it’s not as if I’m some huge Pokémon fan who went into this film with wild expectations...

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"Avengers: Endgame" May Not Be A Perfect Film - But It Is A Perfect Conclusion (NON-SPOILERS)

“Avengers: Endgame” May Not Be A Perfect Film – But It Is A Perfect Conclusion (NON-SPOILERS)

April 26, 2019

★★★ Despite what legions of mouth-foaming superfans may say, Avengers: Endgame is not a perfect film. It’s not even the best Marvel film (a title that still belongs to 2012’s The Avengers)....

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"Avengers: Endgame" - Every Film In The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ranked

“Avengers: Endgame” – Every Film In The Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ranked

Sebastian Hunt, The Forum’s Head Writer Of Film & TV April 24, 2019

Avengers: Endgame could be argued as the film of the century. A modern-day Return of the Jedi; it’s the conclusion to the biggest franchise in film history. As of this writing, I actually haven’t seen...

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"Us" Is Director Jordan Peele's Biggest, Weirdest, Most Totally Bonkers Project Yet - And His Best

“Us” Is Director Jordan Peele’s Biggest, Weirdest, Most Totally Bonkers Project Yet – And His Best

Sebastian Hunt, The Forum’s Head Writer Of Film & TV March 24, 2019

★★★★★ Wow. Just… wow. It hasn’t even been an hour since I experienced Us, comedian-turned-director Jordan Peele’s sophomore effort, and I’m still at an utter loss for words. And...

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